A compilation of Machine Learning programming tips, from basic methods to in-depth tutorials. Provided to get you past hurdles while debugging. Includes some tools to ramp up Python development.
ML Walk-through on Morioh.com : Machine Learning with Python
OS Projects on DataQuest.io : Top 20 Python Machine Learning OS Projects
Top AI LLM's on Beebom.com : 12 Best AI Large Language Models (LLMs)
Falcon LLM on Towardsdatascience.com : Harnessing the Falcon 40B Model, the Most Powerful Open-Source LLM for AI
Data Structures on Swaroopch.com : A Byte of Python
Python Pages on PredicttiveAnalyticsworld.com : Python for Aspiring Data Scientists
Data Science on SimpliLearn.com : Python for Data Science and Data Analysis
Meta’s LLaMA on Thenewstack.com : Why Developers Are Flocking to LLaMA, Meta’s Open Source LLM on Thenewstack.com
LLM Training on Replit.com : How to train your own Large Language Models in AI
AI in Cars on MachineDesign.com : The AI market for auto industry will grow 1200% by 2026
AI Training on Zdnet.com : Advances in AI Training with MLPerf Benchmarks
Top ML Cloud Platforms on Towarddatascience.com : Top free ML Platforms like Colab, Kaggle and Jupyter
ML Models on Sciencemog.org : AI Shortcuts Speed Sims a Billion Times
Deep Learniing Boost on ElectronicDesign.com : Intels Deep Learning AI Boost
Predict Movement with Accelerometer : KNN Algorithm Notebook
Predicting Low Humidity : Decision Tree Algorithm Notebook
Azure ML : Azure Overview Notebook
Predicting a Pulsar Star : Random Forest Algorithm Notebook
Music Recommendation : Principal Component Analysis Algorithm Notebook
Predicting Car Prices : KNN Algorithm Notebook
Combine Multiple Excel Sheets into one Dataset : Pandas Notebook
Python Tools for Record Linking and Fuzzy Matching : Fuzzy Matching Notebook
Face recognition : SVC Algorithm Notebook
Atari Pong Gym : DQN Algorithm Notebook
CodingBasics : Logistic Regression Model in Python.
Sigma Coding : Linear Regression Model in Python.
Kindson Series : Perform Logistic Regression in Python.
UAB Research Computing : Model Validation, Under/Overfitting, and Random Forests.
TheEngineeringWorld : K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Scikit-learn in Python.
Parsing JSON : Parsing Nested JSON Records in Python.
Processing API's with Python : Creating a Dataset Using an API with Python.
Dictionary Conversion : How to Convert Dictionary Values to a List in Python.
Configuration Files : 4 Ways to Manage the Configuration in Python.
Base64 in Python : How to Encode and Decode JSON Byte Array.
Parsing Nested Arrays : How to Flatten Deeply Nested JSON Objects in Non-Recursive Elegant Python.
API's and Pandas : API Calls Within a Pandas Dataframe API using Pandas Apply.
Switch Cases : 5 Best Python Switch Case Example.
Datetime Tips : Handling Times, Dates, and Time Spans.
JSON Tips with Python : Read, Write and Parse JSON with Python.
Formula One Model : Formula One results predicted on Random Forest Algorithm - Jupyter
Exchange Rate Correlation : Predicting exchange rate for a specific country based on dataset of 22 currencies - Jupyter
Weather Forecasting : Forecasting process on weather and temperature data - Kaggle
Estimating Ecological Footprint : Ecological Footprint Estimation based on United Nations data - Jupyter
Bike Rental : Predict bike rental based on weather patterns - Kaggle
Heating/Cooling Load Estimation : Estimating heating/cooling loads of buildings - Jupyter
Fuel Efficiency : Model to predict the fuel efficiency of automobiles - Colab
ML AI Community : General ML Industry Chat
PySlackers : An open community for Python programming enthusiasts.
Deep Learning Udacity : Deep Learning community through Udacity.
Watson Dev Community : IBM Watson Developers
Machine Learning Udacity : Deep Learning community on Udacity
DevChat : Community of developers, asking and answering Python dev questions, solving challenges.
Kaggle Noobs : Kaggle and Data Science industry community.
AI Researchers : A forum for all levels of research in Artificial Intelligence.
Paris Data Engineers : Supportive community of developers in Big Data analytics and Data Science:
Data Scientists Forum : Chat covering Data Science and Data Warehouses.
NSBE at Microsoft : NSBE conference announcment for partnership with Microsoft.
NSBE Women in STEM : NSBE Women In STEM: Presentation and Panel Vlog.
NSBE at UofM : NSBE CS at the University of Minnesota.
Experiences in STEM : NSBE engineer on the need for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
NSBE Convention : Trip to NSBE convention, Penn State Chapter.